Monday, August 26, 2013

Segways the Lazyway

With the invention of the personal transport devices known as Segways and any other colourful imitations, is the world itself getting lazier?

I say YES..

These devices are starting to pop up in various places and are essentially substituting great chances to walk.

Why walk to the bathroom in your office when you can drive?
Why walk down the road to the shops when you can drive yourself?

Fortunately from what I have seen so far they haven't started appearing everywhere just yet. This may be because of the price for now. Inevitably this will drop and cheaper imitations will appear and this may lead to a global epidemic of personal transport devices.

I believe this is becoming a major issue globally and is not the only alternative to walking appearing. People need to outright reject some of these unnecessary items in order to keep healthy.

So I urge people to open up their eyes and continue walking wherever possible, lets not take the lazy way out and Just Walk It.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Lazy Man and his Walking

So here I am starting up my first blog as The Lazy Walker. I'm an avid supporter of walking in all forms and its health benefits to the individual. Walking has been said to improve a persons health and fitness levels, with the majority of advice suggesting people to walk 30 minutes a day briskly.

However I find little time and interest to go out of my way to spend 30 mins a day just walking for the sake of walking and I am sure others do too.  It is an incredibly boring activity for myself anyway, maybe its just me being lazy but I believe there are other ways to meet this healthy walking quota.

Just the other week I found myself at a friend's place and getting peckish, we decide to head to the shops which is at the most a 5 minute walk from the house.

How do you think we got there? By car

A place less then 5 minutes walking distance yet we drove. I think this is terrible and I would guarantee that this is not an isolated incident between me and my friend.

Simple small acts can be changed in everyone life to increase their level of health and potential enjoyment of life. So feel free to express your own stories of laziness or means people can add more walking into their daily lives. I would be interested to find out simple new ideas to increase my own walking.