Monday, August 19, 2013

The Lazy Man and his Walking

So here I am starting up my first blog as The Lazy Walker. I'm an avid supporter of walking in all forms and its health benefits to the individual. Walking has been said to improve a persons health and fitness levels, with the majority of advice suggesting people to walk 30 minutes a day briskly.

However I find little time and interest to go out of my way to spend 30 mins a day just walking for the sake of walking and I am sure others do too.  It is an incredibly boring activity for myself anyway, maybe its just me being lazy but I believe there are other ways to meet this healthy walking quota.

Just the other week I found myself at a friend's place and getting peckish, we decide to head to the shops which is at the most a 5 minute walk from the house.

How do you think we got there? By car

A place less then 5 minutes walking distance yet we drove. I think this is terrible and I would guarantee that this is not an isolated incident between me and my friend.

Simple small acts can be changed in everyone life to increase their level of health and potential enjoyment of life. So feel free to express your own stories of laziness or means people can add more walking into their daily lives. I would be interested to find out simple new ideas to increase my own walking.


  1. Own Story: Just less than a week ago, a buddy of mine and me were sitting at his house, watching a Star Wars movie, and decided we wanted to go pick up Empire Strikes Back from my house - So we got into my car and drove on over to my house and grabbed it. What's so odd about that? I literally live twenty feet from my friends house. A simple means of opening his door, walking across his grass, and opening my door, we turned into a shameful road trip.

    Simple Suggestions I've learnt: Maybe it's just me, but I love riding BMX bikes. So I always park one out of my front door, so whenever I feel the need to drive anywhere, I see my bike and decide "Hey, today is a nice day for a ride. Maybe hit that trail next to the train tracks and see how it turned out..." Of course, I only plan this if it's short trip to the store or something, and while it may not be walking as a whole, it is getting out there, and moving my legs, taking the initiative to not be lazy. And that's good in my book.

    1. Bikes are another excellent way to get healthy I believe. I myself don't own a bike anymore which is unfortunate, and haven't actually rode since I was back at school. I would love to get back into riding to places too, maybe those places which are slightly too far for a walk but not necessarily needing a car for. Thanks for the comment a story i am sure isn't limited to yourself, and a brilliant suggestion to avoid laziness.

  2. Given that I don't have a car, this issue doesn't affect me so much. I catch the train to and from uni and work each day, which is about a 15 minute walk from my place. This means I make up the recommended 30 minutes easily. My problem is on my days off it is often difficult to find the time to make it up and sometimes don't do any walking at all.

    1. I have the same issue, on my days off I tend to sit at home for extended periods of time. I have found little excuses to get outside and walk someplace, whether it be go and walk to a friends place or down the shops. It's good to see you get a solid walk when heading to uni though and hope you keep that up even after getting a car.
