Monday, August 26, 2013

Segways the Lazyway

With the invention of the personal transport devices known as Segways and any other colourful imitations, is the world itself getting lazier?

I say YES..

These devices are starting to pop up in various places and are essentially substituting great chances to walk.

Why walk to the bathroom in your office when you can drive?
Why walk down the road to the shops when you can drive yourself?

Fortunately from what I have seen so far they haven't started appearing everywhere just yet. This may be because of the price for now. Inevitably this will drop and cheaper imitations will appear and this may lead to a global epidemic of personal transport devices.

I believe this is becoming a major issue globally and is not the only alternative to walking appearing. People need to outright reject some of these unnecessary items in order to keep healthy.

So I urge people to open up their eyes and continue walking wherever possible, lets not take the lazy way out and Just Walk It.


  1. Even though the original idea of the creators might have been to help people with minor disabilities, products like Segways will also encourage healthy people to lead unhealthy way of living.

    1. Really? I had no idea they were originally designed for that purpose. I can definitely see though people who struggle with walking putting them to good use though. Thanks for the comment

  2. I dunno, I don't think the Segway will be the downfall to anything. Even the guy who created it, bought all forms of patents and protections on it so it won't be copied - Etc, etc, doesn't see it happening 'in his lifetime' (*Cough*EVER*Cough*) I just don't see it being the big device that stops the world from walking. TBH, I see the internet as being the final nail in the coffin. Why walk to the store a block away when I can order my groceries and goods online? Why walk to Pizza Hut ten feet away when I can hop online and order my food that way? And have it delivered to top it all off?! But the cause you're pushing for will hopefully cause that lazy guy to stop, read the blog, and hopefully decide perhaps a walk to Pizza Hutt or the Grocery Store for once would do them some good.

    1. I had heard of his extensive Intellectual Property Protection which will guard it very well but ALWAYS i believe with these there are ways around it. It might come from a simple design change or simply designing the product in another country where there is no IPP for that current product.
      Your point about the internet is a good one, I mean now i'm sure you can buy your entire groceries online and have it delivered to you as well, same now goes for clothing. Currently I would agree that this is the biggest threat to walking or exercise in general.
      Thanks for supporting the cause, love the comment.

  3. Even though such devices are apparently becoming more and more popular,I only hear about them online and via media, never actually saw it, so my guess is that it still isn't that popular in Europe.

    1. I agree, they appear to becoming more popular just via the media. I have yet to see someone in person riding a Segway down the street or in the office here in Australia. I did look into this briefly though and there is entire groups of people doing it with various different tours being done completely on Segways. I think its still more American dominated currently, but it may become more popular in places like Australia and Europe in the near future. Thanks for the comment from the Europe perspective, is interesting to take into consideration

  4. I'm not sure that the Segway specifically has sticking power, but motorised personal transport is certainly a growing trend with a number of products available for consumers.
    Living in an area where cycling is a very popular activity, I have noticed a significant increase in people using motorised bicycles (mostly as a-b transit rather than leisure).

    1. Which is also a major issue, people changing from their use of regular bicycles to this motorized version. Not a good sign at all for society for keeping healthy and fit.
