Monday, September 9, 2013

Walking to Live Forever

"Walking just 15 minutes a day can extend your life by as much as 3 years." BUPA

Okay so you probably won't live forever by simply walking every day, but it could extend your life. This seems like a pretty big statement to make however there is some connections that can be made.

I can list the health benefits that are linked with this but that is something I'm sure most people are somewhat already aware of. I would instead like to pose a question, Would you walk 15 minutes a day if you knew for certain 3 years would be added to your life?

For me I don't think I would and I feel others are the same. What is another 3 years to someones life?

Sure I feel like this now with a full life ahead of me but ask me again in 30 or 40 years and I may feel different. Then its a trade off of sorts, as we don't wanna walk now because we see no or little health problems while younger but as we age we can feel the effects of ageing.

So do we walk now to better our health for the future or not worry about it till we hit that age when it may be too late?


  1. The main problem might be that people always seek instant results, especially concerning their health. The majority would see the solution in medicine development instead of leading a healthy life style and prevent such things from occurring long before they occur.

    1. That is an interesting point you bring up, medicine development. People seem to rely to heavily on medicine which is just trying to treat the symptoms and isn't really solving the issue altogether.
